[Math] How to find a center/axis of rotation


I have a 3d model (M1) consisted of several points. I know all their coordinates. I also have another model (M2). M2 and M1 are the same, but M2 is a model after rigid transformation. I don't know the axis or the center of transformation. The only thing I know is the type of transformation – translation or rotatation. So my question is – how can I find the center or the axis of rotation, and the the value of angle?

Best Answer

Translation from the original (unprimed) frame to the new (primed) frame is fairly simple: $\vec{x'} = \vec{x} + \vec{R},$ with $\vec{R}$ being a constant vector of translation.

Rotation is a bit trickier. You might have as many as three angles to deal with: one for each principal axis. These rotations are expressed as a product of rotation matrices. The elements of the product matrices are the direction cosines of the original axes and the new axes.