[Math] How to find 4th degree polynomial equation from given points


I am trying to find 4th degree polynomial equation from given points. I do not own a graphing calculator so this task is very difficult for me to solve. So far I would out what points I need. The points are
$$(-2, 3), (-8, -5), (-11.5, -1), (3, -5), (9.5, 2), (-10, -3), (-5, -3), (1, -3), (5.5, -3)$$
I know that the format of the equation should be $P(x)=ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e$.
I tried to find the way to get the equation but so far all of them require a calculator. I really need help with this problem. Any help would be appreciated.

Best Answer

Lagrange Interpolation is the technique most commonly used for this purpose. Just take 5 points and plug them into Lagrange's formula (which I think is best articulated in the Examples section of the Wiki page). Assuming all of your points do indeed lie on a polynomial of degree 4, you will get that polynomial via Lagrange interpolation.

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