[Math] How to express a 2nd order ODE as 1st order ODE’s

ordinary differential equations

Express the 2nd order ODE

$$\begin{align}\mathrm d_t^2 u:=\frac{\mathrm d^2 u}{\mathrm dt^2}&=\sin(u)+\cos(\omega t)\qquad \omega \in \mathbb Z /\{0\} \\u(0)&=a\\\mathrm d_t u(0)&=b\end{align}$$

as a system of 1st order ODEs and verify there exists a global solution by invoking the global existence and uniqueness theorems.

I'm not sure how to express second order ODEs as first order ODEs, any tips?

Best Answer

Here's an example to get you started:


with initial values $u''(0)=1$, $u'(0)=2$, and $u(0)=3$

First, give new names to $u$ and its derivatives (stopping one short of the order of the ODE): $u=x_1$, $u'=x_2$, $u''=x_3$.

Substituting back into the DE (keeping in mind that $u^{(3)}(t)=x'_3(t)$) we get: $$x'_3(t)+t^3x_3(t)+5x_2(t)+\sin(t)x_1(t)=e^{6t}$$

Thus we have the equivalent system:

$$\begin{array}{ccrrrr} x'_1 & = & & x_2 & & \\ x'_2 & = & & & x_3 & \\ x'_3 & = & -\sin(t)x_1 & -5x_2 & -t^3x_3 & +e^{6t} \end{array}$$

Also, $x_1(0)=3$, $x_2(0)=2$, and $x_3(0)=1$.

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