[Math] How to efficiently compute the pareto front in a >2 dimensional multi-objective case


I'm currently working on an optimization problem with 4 different objective functions and need an algorithm to compute the pareto frontier from several "solutions" to that problem.

I already found algorithms that compute the pareto frontier for 2 objective functions (like cost & value) very efficiently but are (i.m.o.) not that easy to generalize to work with n objectives.

So what i basically want is an algorithm, that takes a set of 4-dimensional vectors and sorts out all the ones, that are dominated.

Of course it can be done with brute-force by checking any vector against every other one, but that would have exponential complexity and wouldn't be applicable with realistic problems since it would take forever to terminate.

I think, that there has to be an algorithm which works in (at least) O(n^m), with m = number of objective functions.

I really appreciate any suggestions/ideas.

Best Answer

Check out Kung's algorithm. Given $n$ vectors in $\mathbb{R}^d$, it computes the non-dominated front for $d=2,3$ in $O(n \log n)$ time and for $d > 3$ in $O\left ( n (\log n)^{d-2}\right)$. I believe it has been implemented in the paretoset function on FEX.

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