[Math] How to draw the 3d planes


The equations for planes I have are $x=0$, $x=1$, $y=0$, $y=1$, $z=0$, $z=1$ but these to me look like equation of the lines. Apparently, they form a cube in 3d coordinates. Is it possible use some online graphing calculator to visualize what it is?

enter image description here

Best Answer

All six are equations of planes. For example, $x=0$ means that while $x$ is zero, $y$ and $z$ are free to be anything. It's the set of points given by $(0,y,z)$ where $y,z\in\mathbb{R}$.

I went ahead and plotted it using Mathematica. The two graphics give us two looks: the second picture has been zoomed in (look at the axes) to get a better look at the unit cube created by the intersection of the six planes.

ContourPlot3D[{x == 0, x == 1, y == 0, y == 1, z == 0,z == 1}, {x, -.1, 1.1}, {y, -.1, 1.1}, {z, -.1, 1.1}]

unit cube created by intersection of six planes

For the future, you can invest in software like Mathematica or MATLAB, or try free resources like WolframAlpha or Desmos for graphing. Not sure if either can handle contour plots in 3D, but I figure there's some level of support.

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