[Math] How to do capital pi ($\prod$) notation on a TI-84 calculator


I am trying to figure out how to input product notation into my TI-84 Plus graphing calculator. I haven't found anything so far.

Is there any function I could use to do this? Maybe even a program I could install on my calculator?

Best Answer

The prod( command will take the product of elements of a list for you, which handles finite products $\prod\limits_{i=1}^n$ just fine, especially in conjunction with the seq( command. For example, if you want to compute $n!$ the roundabout way, you can take


which is the calculator approach to writing $\prod\limits_{i=1}^n i$.

There's no way to handle infinite products except to the extent that you can approximate them with finite products.

(I'm not sure if the color version of the TI-84 can handle infinite sums with the Σ( command; I doubt it. But if it does then you can use that and logarithms to do infinite products.)