Logic – How to Demystify the Axioms of Propositional Logic


How might I go about getting some intuition on the typical axiom schemes given for propositional logic? They seem rather mysterious at first glance.

For example, these are taken from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_system#Logical_axioms

  • $\phi \to \phi$
  • $\phi \to \left( \psi \to \phi \right)$
  • $\left ( \phi \to ( \psi \rightarrow \xi \right)) \to \left( \left( \phi \to \psi \right) \to \left( \phi \to \xi \right) \right)$
  • $\left ( \lnot \phi \to \lnot \psi \right) \to \left( \psi \to \phi \right)$

Best Answer

There are good answers already, but one note:

Another way to understand the choice of the first three axioms you quote is that they are exactly what you need in order to be able to prove the Deduction Theorem by induction on the length of the inner proof.

  • $H\to H$ takes care of a step in the original proof that just applies the hypothesis.

  • $A \to (H \to A)$ allows you to translate a step in the original proof that introduces a logical axiom.

  • $(H \to (P\to Q)) \to ((H \to P) \to (H\to Q))$ is what you need to translate an application of Modus Ponens.

Actually it turns out that $H\to H$ can be derived from the two others (though that is not particularly intuitive), so in many presentations it will be left out.

There are many different ways to complete these three axioms such that you can prove exactly all of the propositional tautologies that can be written using $\neg$ and $\to$. The one you're quoting has the advantage of being reasonably simple and intuitively obvious, while still being sufficient to allow all tautologies to be proved.

Together, the Deduction Theorem and Modus Ponens tell us a lot about how the $\to$ connective works, but it turns out there are propositional tautologies written with $\to$ alone that cannot be proved by these two ingredients. It is quite remarkable that the simple-looking fourth axiom can manage in one breath to tell us everything else there is to know about $\to$, as well as (simultaneously) everything about $\neg$ too. I don't have any good intuitive explanation of how it does that. I can just prove that it does.

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