[Math] How to determine vector space

linear algebravector-spaces

I am taking a linear algebra course, and we are currently learning about vector spaces and subspaces.

On the beginning of the chapter it is said that vector space must "comply" with all of the ten rules to actually be a vector space.

But throughout the rest of book for each example they only prove it for two axioms:

For example – The set {f | f:N->R } of all real-valued functions of one natural number variable is a vector space under the operations :
$$(f_1+f_2)(n) = f_1(n) + f_2(n)$$
$$(r\cdot f)(n) = r\cdot f(n).$$

and they do not test any further. What's with 8 remaining conditions for vector space?

So my question is, how to determine the vector space, with two axioms or all ten of them? And why do they prove it in book only for those two axioms?

$\cdot$ = multiplication

Best Answer

From your notation, it seems that your 2 axioms are the definitions of the operations that turn the set $V^A$ of all functions from a set $A$ to a vector space $V$ into a vector space.

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