[Math] How to determine the reflection point on an ellipse

conic sectionsgeometryreflection

Here is my problem. There are two points P and Q outside an ellipse, where the coordinates of the P and Q are known. The shape of the ellipse is also known. A ray comming from point A is reflected by the ellipse and arrivates at Q. The question is how to determine the reflection point on the ellipse. I mean is there any analytical method to calculate the coordinate of the reflection point?

enter image description here

Best Answer

One possible solution can be as follows:

Let $\rm P{(x_1,y_1)} \ Q{(x_2,y_2)}, and\ R{(h,k)}, $ be the points.

Let ellipse ($\rm S$) be a special ellipse with centre (0,0)

$$\begin{align}\rm S &=\rm \dfrac{x^2}{a^2}+ \dfrac{y^2}{b^2} = 1 \\ \rm Equation \ of \ tangent\ at\ R &:\rm \dfrac{xh}{a^2}+ \dfrac{yk}{b^2}-1 = 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ ... (i)\end{align}$$

Since the line segment $\rm PR$ (slope $\rm m_2$) is equally inclined to the tangent ( slope $\rm m_1$) as the segment $\rm QR$ ( slope $\rm m_3$), we can equalise the angles.

enter image description here

$$\rm\tan\theta=\dfrac{m_1 - m_2}{1+m_1m_2}$$

$$\rm\tan\phi=\dfrac{m_1 - m_3}{1+m_1m_3}$$

$$\rm \implies \tan\theta = \tan\phi \ \ \ \ \ \ ... (ii)$$

Find $\rm m_1, m_2, m_3$

You'll get $2$ equations with $2$ unknowns $\rm h$ and $\rm k$.

Note In my answer, I used eqn of standard ellipse with centre at origin. But this method will work for any ellipse. For finding tangent eqn, just put $T=0$


Here is a graph which shows tangent, and a line inclined equally to it (it tangent is the angle bisector of the lines.) : Desmos

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