[Math] How to determine the possible number of combinations of two ordered sets


I'm not quite sure what the mathematical term for what I'm asking is, so let me just describe what I'm trying to figure out. Let's say that I have two ordered sets of numbers $\{1, 2\}$ and $\{3, 4\}$. I'm trying to figure out the number of possible ways to combine these two sets into one without breaking the ordering of the two sets.

So for instance, $\{1, 2, 3, 4\}$, $\{3, 4, 1, 2\}$, and $\{1, 3, 2, 4\}$ are valid combinations, but $\{2, 1, 4, 3\}$ isn't. How do I figure out the number of valid combinations? This feels like something I should remember from college, but I'm drawing a blank. It feels somewhere in between a combination and a permutation. Maybe I'm looking for a partially-ordered permutation (which seems to be a somewhat difficult concept if Google is to be believed)?

Best Answer

You are talking about (resulting) tuples I presume (and not sets).

If the sets are $S$ with $s$ elements and $T$ with $t$ elements, then the total possible tuples is $\displaystyle {s+t \choose s}$.

Basically, you have $s+t$ slots and you pick the slots (say $s$) for one of the sets in $\displaystyle {s+t \choose s}$ ways. Once the slots are chosen, all the $s+t$ numbers can now be filled in only one way.

So the total is $\displaystyle {s+t \choose s}$.

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