[Math] How to determine the number of degrees overlap between two circular slices


How do you determine the number of degrees that overlap between two circular slices like what is shown in the example below by the hatched area?


Note, the slices are orientated by a center line with equal number of x degrees on both sides as shown by the colored dotted line in the example.

The slices can vary up to a maximum angle of 180 degrees (90 degrees to each side of the centerline) and orientated at any angle.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Let the sectors be $\theta_1\pm\Delta\theta_1$ and $\theta_2\pm\Delta\theta_2$ in your notation. The angle between the sector centers is $\phi = |\mathrm{wrap}(\theta_1-\theta_2)|$, where $$\mathrm{wrap}(\theta) = \begin{cases} \theta & \text{if $-180^\circ\le\theta\le180^\circ$,} \\ \theta+360^\circ & \text{if $\theta < -180^\circ$,} \\ \theta-360^\circ & \text{if $\theta > 180^\circ$} \end{cases}$$ is the angle normalized to lie between $-180^\circ$ and $180^\circ$. Then the angle of overlap is simply $\Delta\theta_1+\Delta\theta_2-\phi$; if this is negative, there is no overlap.

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