[Math] How to determine the length of the shorter base of a trapezoid from the longer base length, height, and only two angles


How do I determine the length of the shorter base of a trapezoid from the longer base length, height, and only two angles?

An example would be 24" longer base, with 45 deg angles at both ends with only 1" in height. Both upper angles would be 135 deg.

What would the length of the shorter base be?

How do you solve for it?


Best Answer

Suppose the longer base length is $b$ and the $2$ angles are $\alpha$ and $\beta$ with height being $h$

The shorter base length is

$$b-h\cot \alpha-h\cot \beta = b-h(\cot \alpha+ \cot \beta)$$

To see this, notice that the height and the base form perpendicular angle.