[Math] How to determine the dimension of this subspace

linear algebra

The following is a homework problem:

For a fixed $a \in \mathbb{R}$, determine the dimension of the subspace of $P_n(\mathbb{R})$ (the vector space of polynomials of at most degree $n$) defined by:
$$W = \{f \in P_n(\mathbb{R})\,|\, f(a) = 0\}.$$

I can't imagine what the basis would look like for $W$ though. Or do I not even need the basis? Can I figure out the dimension without knowing the basis?

Could you give some helpful hints or a framework for solving this and similar problems?

Note: I'm not looking for the answer itself since this is homework.

Best Answer

There is a linear map on $\rm \mathbb{P}_n(\mathbb{R})$ given by $\rm L_a :f(x)\to f(x+a)$ for any $\rm a\in\mathbb{R}$. It is invertible because we can see $\rm L_a L_{-a}=L_{-a}L_a=Id$ as linear maps. Hence $\rm L_a$ preserves dimensions of subspaces. We may then write $\rm L_{-a} W=V=\{ p(x)\in \mathbb{P}_n(\mathbb{R}):p(0)=0\}$. It is easy to see that $\rm B=\{x,x^2,\dots,x^n\}$ is a basis for this space by showing that $\rm p(0)=0\,$ is equivalent to $\rm p_0=0$ (the constant term vanishes).

One may use this to show $\rm L_{-a}B=\{x-a,(x-a)^2,\dots,(x-a)^n\}$ is a vector space basis for $\rm W$.