[Math] How to determine if a graph has a perfect matching

graph theory

I'm practicing for a math challenge and was asked whether the following graph has a perfect matching. I've tried to randomly connect nodes but couldn't find a way to connect the node in such a way that would result in a perfect matching, so I'm assuming it is not possibile.

But how do I know that it's really not possible? Is there a quicker (structured) way to determine whether there is a perfect matching or not, and how?

I only figured out that the number of nodes should be even, which is true in this case as there are 42 nodes.

enter image description here

Best Answer

There's no such pairing:

Observe that when you remove the $12$ red vertices, the graph splits into $14$ components, each of them having an odd number of vertices.

If there was a perfect pairing, each of the components would have a pair connecting it to some red vertex, but there's too few of them.

This condition on odd components in fact characterizes perfect pairings and it's called the Tutte theorem.

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