[Math] How to describe the growth of something that scales by a factorial


I just wrote a blog post and wasn't sure how to word a particular sentence. Say I have the following function:

f(x) = x^2

Then I can say that the value of f(x) grows quadratically with x*. Similarly with this function:

f(x) = e^x

…I could say that f(x) grows exponentially with x. But what about this?

f(x) = x!

Do I say that f(x) grows "factorially"? What's the proper term?

*I worded this wrong at first. It should be right now. Wait, is that even right? Or would "exponentially" imply f(x) = kx? Should the first term be "quadratically" instead?

Best Answer

Using Stirling's formula,

$$n! \times e^n \approx Cn^{n + 1/2}$$

I am not sure if there is a name for that kind of growth. It is super-exponential and might be enough to get the point across, I suppose.

btw, $f(x) = x^2$ is said to grow quadratically, not exponentially.

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