How to Descend Within the Tree of Primitive Pythagorean Triples – Number Theory

elementary-number-theorypythagorean triples

It is well-known that the set of all primitive Pythagorean triples has the structure of an infinite ternary rooted tree.

What is the exact algorithm (i.e., formula, or possibly set of three formulas) by which one can take a given Pythagorean triple $(a,b,c)$ and find the immediately smaller triple in the tree? For example, given $(165,52,173)$, how does one obtain its [unique] “ancestor” triple $(77,36,85)$?

Best Answer

Starting with $(165,52,173)$, we attempt to find the $p,q$ pair which generates this triple, i.e., $p^2-q^2=165,2pq=52,p^2+q^2=173$. Clearly, we have $2q^2=173-165=8\implies q=2$ and thus $p=13$.

The ancestor of this triple arises from $(|p-2q|,q)\text{ or }(q,|p-2q|)$, whichever places $p',q'$ in largest-to-smallest order. In this case, we have $p-2q=9$ and thus the ancestor pair is $(p',q')=(9,2)$ and therefore the ancestor triple is $(p'^2-q'^2,2p'q',p'^2+q'^2)=(77,36,85)$.

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