[Math] How to derive the Riemann Curvature Tensor


I'm taking a course in General Relativity, and before getting into Physics itself, the required knowledge of Differential Geometry is being taught.

In that context, a linear connection on a smooth manifold $M$ was introduced as a collection of maps $\nabla^{(r,s)} :\Gamma(TM)\times \Gamma(T^r_s M)\to \Gamma(T^r_s M)$ which takes a vector field $X$ and an $(r,s)$-tensor field $T$ and produce one $(r,s)$-tensor field $\nabla^{(r,s)}_ X T$. We, however, drop the $(r,s)$ and just denote all maps by $\nabla$. This map is required by the definition to satisfy:

  1. It is $C^\infty(M)$-linear on the first entry, that is $X\mapsto \nabla_X T$ for fixed $T$ is $C^\infty(M)$ linear.

  2. It is linear on the second entry, that is $T\mapsto \nabla_X T$ is linear for fixed $X$.

  3. It obeys Liebnitz rule in the second entry, that is, $\nabla_X(T\otimes S)=(\nabla_ X T)\otimes S+ T\otimes (\nabla_X S)$ for fixed $X$.

  4. It reduces to $X$ itself on $(0,0)$-tensors, that is, $\nabla_X f = Xf$ for fixed $X$ and $f\in C^\infty(M)$.

Now given a smooth manifold with linear connection $(M,\nabla)$ one can define the Riemann Curvature Tensor as the tensor field $R : \Gamma(T^\ast M)\times \Gamma(TM)\times \Gamma(TM)\times \Gamma(TM)\to C^\infty(M)$ given by

$$R(\omega,Z,X,Y)=\omega(\nabla_X \nabla_Y Z – \nabla_Y\nabla_X Z-\nabla_{[X,Y]}Z).$$

The problem is that this thing was just defined with no motivation whatsoever. It is then said that it gives the change in a vector as paralel transported along a loop formed by $X$ and $Y$. It is also said that this characterizes the curvature of $\nabla$.

My question here is: how can one derive this tensor? I mean, given that we have a connection $\nabla$ and we want to define its curvature, how can we derive this expression, and discover that this tensor field will do? I don't know even why it should be a tensor field, let alone follow some steps to arrive at the correct tensor field.

I just don't like the approach of "define this because it works". I want to be able to find out that this is the correct thing to do.

Best Answer

What you are asking essentially comes from Gauss's Theorema Egregium.

The theorem states that the Gaussian curvature is given by

$$K=\frac{R_{1212}}{g}$$ where

$$R_{ijkl}=\frac{\partial \Gamma_{ijk}}{\partial x_l}- \frac{\partial \Gamma_{ijl}}{\partial x_k}+ \Gamma^{r}_{jk}\Gamma_{irl}-\Gamma^{r}_{jl}\Gamma_{irk}$$ is the Riemann curvature tensor.

Gauss's theorem can be expressed by many formulas, this is the expression using the Christoffel symbols. Note that $K$ also need $g$, (but only as a denominator), so its not dependent only on the Christoffel symbols alone.

Geometrically the Christoffel symbols arise from the following equations, \begin{align*} \mathbf{r}_{uu}&=\Gamma_{11}^1 \ \mathbf{r}_{u} + \Gamma_{11}^2 \ \mathbf{r}_{v} +L \ \mathbf{N}\\ \mathbf{r}_{uv}&=\Gamma_{12}^1 \ \mathbf{r}_{u} + \Gamma_{12}^2 \ \mathbf{r}_{v} +M \ \mathbf{N}\\ \mathbf{r}_{vv}&=\Gamma_{22}^1 \ \mathbf{r}_{u} + \Gamma_{22}^2 \ \mathbf{r}_{v} +N \ \mathbf{N}\\ \end{align*}

If you examine these equations you see that these coefficients arise from differentiating the tangent vectors, which results in an vector which is no longer tangent, but then projecting the derivative back onto the surface.

What I have just described is exactly covariant differentation. Thus Christoffel symbols and connections are basically the same thing, in fact

$$\nabla_{X_i}(X_i)=\sum_k \Gamma^k_{ji}X_k$$ they are just the coefficients of the connection. Historically the curvature formula came first and latter connections were introduced. In fact it can be proven that the only invariants of a Riemann metric $g_{ij}$ are the Riemann Curvature tensor $R_{ijkl}$ and its covariant derivatives. Thus one way or another the Curvature tensor is forced upon us.

It might be helpful to you to prove the formula in the question in local coordinates using the equations in this answer.

Hope this helps.