[Math] How to derive the pseudo inverse of a matrix from its Singular value decomposition

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For a matrix $M$ with its singular value decomposition $UΣV^T$, the pseudo inverse of $M$, i.e., $M^+$ is $VΣ^+U^T$.

  1. How can I derive the pseudo inverse(Moore–Penrose) $M^+$ from the singular value decomposition of a matrix $M$?
  2. From SVD, we know that $Σ$ is a diagonal matrix which contains the square roots of the eigen values of both $MM^T$ and $M^TM$ whereas $Σ^+$ is formed by replacing the non-zero diagonal elements of $Σ$ by its reciprocal. The diagonal matrix Σ is not always full rank so I assume that $ΣΣ^+$ cannot always be an Identity Matrix. How is it possible to prove that the pseudo inverse of $M$, i.e., $M^+$=$VΣ^+U^T$ holds when $ΣΣ^+$ cannot be reduced to Identity Matrix? Is there any other approach?

Best Answer

$M^+=V\Sigma^+U^\ast$ (i.e. $M^+=V\Sigma^+U^\top$ in the real case), where $\Sigma^+$ is a rectangular diagonal matrix whose size is identical to the size of $\Sigma^\top$. The $i$-th main diagonal entry of $\Sigma^+$ is $\sigma_i^{-1}$ if the $i$-th singular value $\sigma_i$ of $M$ is positive, otherwise the diagonal entry is zero.

You may simply prove that $M^+$ is indeed the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of $M$ by showing that it satisfies the four defining properties of Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, namely, both $MM^+$ and $M^+M$ are Hermitian (or real symmetric in your case), $MM^+M=M$ and $M^+MM^+=M^+$.