[Math] How to deal with the temporary nature of the knowledge


I'm a self-learner trying to learn Math while enrolled in a wrong major (Humanities). I have gone through the many amazing questions and answers here (& elsewhere, including Prof. Tao's blogs) about learning mathematics. However, I face one problem :

When reading and learning, I make it a point not to treat math like a "spectator sport" and make sure that I am simultaneously proving the theorems, solving examples and so on. I seem to do very well in that frame of time. I understand, I am able to extend concepts and am able to predict ideas that will follow and solve the examples given at the end of the chapter. I also make it a point to see the "big picture" rather than get caught in details, especially with proofs. I keep notes and mindmaps to review the material on a later day.

However, if because of my course load (of the wrong major) I am unable to concentrate of my math for some time, when I return back a few weeks later (2-3 weeks at most), I seem to have lost it all. I only remember bits and parts of what happened and seem to have lost the big pictures and the intuition. Reviewing my mindmaps or notes doesn't help either, it again helps me temporarily to "have information" rather than knowledge. It's not my memory that's a problem, I feel I am not doing something right w.r.t. learning math on my own.

Can someone tell me what it is that I'm doing wrong?

Best Answer

In my opinion, you have answered your own question when you stated:

I also make it a point to see the "big picture" rather than get caught in details, especially with proofs.

Good mathematical intuition is the result of hands-on practice, not its substitute. Yes, you must also keep the big picture in mind, but if you really want to learn this stuff, you have to get your hands dirty. Especially with proofs.

(I also agree with @skullpatrol's answer.)