[Math] how to create a schedule for 9 teams playing x number of games no team can play same team twice no team can play same game twice


I am setting up a minute to win it challenge for a party. I have 9 teams of 5 players each. Each round will be head to head challenge with one team idle per round. All games are played simultaneously. there will be stations set up with a different game at each station. Teams will rotate through each station/game.
Rules: no team will play the other team twice, no team will play the same game twice
How many games do I need to do this? How do I determine the schedule per round?

I am not a mathematics person so simpler answers or equations would be appreciated. Some of the answers I have read are over my head or are displaying complete graphs which I cannot interpret.

Best Answer

Here is a $9$-round schedule. This is optimal because there are $\binom 92=36$ pairs of teams, and each round takes care of four pairs.

${}$ G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9
R1 3/5 7/8 2/6 1/4
R2 4/6 8/9 3/7 2/5
R3 5/7 9/1 4/8 3/6
R4 6/8 1/2 5/9 4/7
R5 7/9 2/3 6/1 5/8
R6 8/1 3/4 7/2 6/9
R7 7/1 9/2 4/5 8/3
R8 9/4 8/2 1/3 5/6
R9 6/7 1/5 9/3 2/4

I found this using the idea presented in Anders Kaseorg's solution to a similar scheduling problem, together with brute force search to find the parameters which work.