[Math] How to convert max min problem into a linear programming problem

linear algebralinear programmingmatricesoperations researchoptimization

Let $A$ be a given $m \times n$ matrix, $c$ a given $n$-vector, and $b$ a given $m$-vector.

Show that this problem

$$\max_{x \ge 0} \min_{y \ge 0} (c^T x – y^T Ax + b^Ty)$$

can be reduced to a linear programming problem.

Best Answer

Consider that the following problem ($*$) \begin{alignat}{3} \min_y && b^\top y \tag{$*$}\\ &&A^\top y \geq c\\ &&y\geq0 \end{alignat} has the Lagrangian (with dual variables $x$) \begin{align} L(y;x) := b^\top y + x^\top (c-A^\top y). \end{align} Then the dual function is defined as \begin{align} d(x) := \min_y L(y;x) := \min_y \left\{ b^\top y + x^\top (c-A^\top y) \right\} \end{align} and the dual problem is \begin{alignat}{3} \max_x && d(x) \tag{$**$}\\ &&x\geq0 \end{alignat} or $$ \max_{x\geq0}\min_{y\geq0} \left\{ b^\top y + c^\top x -y^\top A x \right\} \tag{$**$$*$}. $$ Provided that both are feasible, strong duality says that ($*$) has the same objective value as ($**$), so we have shown that ($**$$*$) can be expressed as ($*$).

Or, again using strong duality, we can express ($**$$*$) as a feasibility problem (simplified LP) \begin{alignat}{3} \min_{x,y} && 0\\ && \begin{bmatrix} A^\top & 0\\ 0 & -A\\I&0\\0&I \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} y\\x \end{bmatrix} \geq \begin{bmatrix} c\\-b\\0\\0 \end{bmatrix} \end{alignat}

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