[Math] How to convert a big number back to decimals when you divide 1/15000 using a basic simple calculator


This question has always stumped me since using a simple basic calculator over 20 years ago. I'm using the basic calculator on windows or it can be any for that matter.

I input the following into the calculator: 1 / 15000

The output is this: 6.666666666666667e-5

  • What is this number format called?
  • Why is there an e-5 at the end?
  • Why 6.66666?
  • And last of all, how do I convert this back to regular decimal places from that output: .00006

Best Answer

1.) The number format is called scientific notation. Follow the link left for you in the comments to find out more.

2.) The e-5 at the end indicates that the actual number has the decimal shifted 5 places to left of what is in the display, so 6.6666666667e-5 = 0.000066666666667.

3.) The decimal is shifted so that you can see more significant digits without making the display larger.

4.) My second answer tells you how to do that.