Linear Algebra – Constructing Quaternions and Multiplication Rules

complex numberslinear algebramatricesquaternionsvector-spaces

So, I understand complex number multiplication, and how it represents $2D$ rotations.

What I don't understand is, how you add two more imaginary numbers $j$ and $k$, and get $3D$ rotations. I believe Hamilton "made up rules" on how to add these extra imaginary numbers, but how did he construct it in a way that worked?

I also don't understand the purpose of adding two imaginary numbers instead of just $1$ more for $3D$ rotations.

In this paragraph, I will explain my attempt to visualize / construct the quaternion, you don't have to read this, it's probably utterly wrong. I tried to imagine a $3D$ space with the axis vectors $1$ (the real number line, side to side), $i$ (up), and $j$ (depth). Next, I imagined a vector pointing out from the origin with a real component and a $j$ component. Next, I imagined multiplying this vector by $i$ to rotate it $90$ degrees up, so I would get a resultant vector with an '$i$' component and an '$j$' component. The problem is, multiplying (real + $j$) with ($i$) algebraically gives you an '$i$' component and an '$ij$' component, which does not make sense to me. This is where I got stuck.

Best Answer

So in the complex picture, rotations and dilations of the plane are acheived just by multiplying with a complex number.

I see here you are transferring that idea, but as you said, you get stuck if your three axes are $1,i,j$, because $ij=k$, which is a fourth axis perpendicular to the first two. If you're willing to imagine a four-dimensional space, then you have a similar picture to the complex numbers: multiplication by $i$ would permute the set $\{\pm 1, \pm i,\pm j,\pm k\}$ just as multiplying by $i$ permutes $\{\pm 1, \pm i\}$.

There is a more useful way to view quaternions as rotations in 3-space, though. Imagine $i,j,k$ acting as orthogonal unit vectors, as in physics. Linear combinations of these model every point in that 3-space as a "pure" quaternion $v$ with no real part. Now given another nonzero quaternion $q$, conjugating $v$ to become $qvq^{-1}$ produces a tranformation of the 3 space! When $q$ is a unit-length quaternion, this transformation is actually a rotation.

Try it out with $q=i$ and see what happens to the $i,j,k$ axes! If you feel like skipping $j$ and $k$, you can try $\sqrt{2}/2 +i\sqrt{2}/2$ (whose inverse is, naturally, $\sqrt{2}/2 -i\sqrt{2}/2$.)

This is not useful in the complex numbers because $aba^{-1}=b$ by commutativity, so no change occurs. However, the noncommutativity of the quaternions allows interesting stuff to happen :)

One thing to keep in mind about this conjugation action modeling rotations is that many rotations are produced by a pair of unit-length quaternions (and not just one unit-length quaternion). All that means is that there is a slight redundancy in the way unit-length quaternions model rotations.

EDIT: I just wanted to add a little more trying to justify why "just one more" doesn't seem to work. In analogy with the complex numbers, you want to get $1,i,j$ such that the produce of any two lands in $\{\pm1, \pm i \pm j\}$. As you noted, we have to figure out where $ij$ goes. But if $ij=\pm i$, that implies that $-j=\pm -1$, and then $j$ is not orthogonal to 1. Similarly, $ij\neq \pm j$. The only thing left is if $ij=\pm 1$, but then $-j=\pm i$, and $j$ is not perpendicular to $i$.