[Math] How to construct a line with only a short ruler


Suppose I want to draw a line between the points A and B

but I only have a ruler that covers only something between a fifth and a quarter of the distance between the two points.

Also available a compass but with the same limitation. (maximum diameter of a circle is somewhere between a fifth and a quarter of the distance between the two points)

How can I draw a straight line beteen A and B?

Best Answer

You want to draw a line form $A$ to $B$. With the following method you can find the middle point of this line, $M$. Repeating this method wou will be able to find points in the desired line as close as you want for your initial points, and this is enough to draw the line.

With a ruler and a compass you can draw lines of the length that you want. First of all we will draw a line passing from A and enough close to B. In order to do this do the following:

  1. Draw two lines starting at A more or less close to B, say $l_1$ and $l_2$, and let $\alpha$ be the angle between them.
  2. If $B$ is located between the lines, OK. If not, draw a fan of lines forming an angle $\alpha$ with the previous ones until you get two lines for which $B$ is located betwwen them.
  3. Now we have two lines starting at $A$ and with $B$ located "inside". Let $l_3$ be the bisectrix.
  4. Repeat the step 3 enough times choosing each time lines such that the point $B$ is "inside".

After this process we get a line $l$ passing through $A$ as close as we want to $B$. Since $B$ and $l$ are enough close we can draw with our small ruler and our small compass an orthogonal line to $l$ passing through $B$. So we have a right triangle with vertex on $A$ and $B$ and edges $l$ and $r$. Transporting angles from $B$ to $A$ you can draw a rectangle with vertex $A$, $E$, $B$ and $F$. This rectangle have the property that its height (length of the segment $AE$) is enough small and its diagonal is $AB$ is the desired line.

Now, using additional lines we are able to find the middle points of the long sides. Let $E_1$ be the middle point of $AE$ and $F_1$ the middle point of $BF$.

Since $E_1$ and $F_1$ are enugh close one from the other, we can determine the point $M$ in the middle of them, and this point belongs to the desired line $AB$.

Iterating this algorithm you can draw the line.

I hope that the you can understand my poor explanation...sorry about my english!

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