[Math] How to construct a homotopy equivalence between a mobius band and a circle


A mobius band is homotopic equivalent to a circle because the mobius band can deformation retract onto a circle. I am wondering how could we understand this fact from the definition of being homotopic equivalent. How could we construct maps $f:\textrm{mobius band} → S^1$ and $g:S^1 → \textrm{mobius band}$ such that $g∘f ≃ id_{\textrm{mobius band}}$?

Best Answer

Whenever you have a subspace $A\subseteq X$ and a deformation retraction $H:X\times [0,1]\to X$ onto $A$ (such that $H(x,0)=x$ and $H(x,1)\in A$ for all $x\in X$ and $H(a,1)=a$ for all $a\in A$), you get a homotopy equivalence as follows. Let $f:X\to A$ be given by $f(x)=H(x,1)$ and $g:A\to X$ be the inclusion map. Then $f\circ g=Id_A$, and $H$ is a homotopy from $Id_X$ to $g\circ f$.