[Math] How to compare logarithms with different bases


I need to know how i should compare logarithms with different bases


  • $\log_4 1/15$

  • $\log_3 (1/2)$

  • $\log_5(1/30)$

Witch is greater? I need valid reasoning and proof if possible! Thanks.

Best Answer

Play around with the values. Estimate them. See what happens. For example:

Let's see... $\log_4 (1/15)$.... hmmm.... well, $\log_4(1/16) = -2$... and $\log_4(1/4)=-1$.... so, $\log_4(1/15)$ is between $-2$ and $-1$.... okay, that's pretty good.

How about this one? $\log_3(1/2)$... hmmm..... $\log_3(1/3)=-1$,... and, hey I see it... $\log_3(1)=0$, so $\log_3(1/2)$ is between $-1$ and $0$, so $$\log_4(1/15) < -1 < \log_3(1/2) $$