[Math] How to check if Mersenne number is prime

exponentiationmersenne-numbersprime numbers

How can I prove that that Mersenne number, number of the type $2^n – 1$ is prime number. One theorem says that if $2^n – 1$ is prime than $n$ is prime number also. But this doesn't work vice versa. For example: $2^{11} – 1$ isn't prime number, although $n = 11$ which is prime number. Is there any way how can I check whether $2^{17} – 1, 2^{23} – 1, 2^{31} – 1 …$ are primes or not?

Here's one way i find, although I need an explanation:

For $2^{17} – 1$

Let there be $p|2^{17} – 1$

By Fermat theorem we have $p|2^{p-1} – 1$

So $p|2^{lcm(17,p-1)} – 1$ (WHY????)

Least common multiplier can be either 1 or 17. Obviously it's 17. So we have that

$17|p-1$ and $2|p-1$ which is true for every prime number bigger than 2.

Finally we get $34|p-1$ and $p=34k + 1$

Because p is divisor of $2^{17} – 1$ it means it's smaller or equal to $\sqrt{2^{17} – 1}$

Number that satisfy both conditions are {103, 137, 239, 307} (shouldn't I check all numbers in the range of $\sqrt{2^{17} – 1}$ and $2^{17} – 1$? Because $p$ can be in that range) and none of them divides $2^{17} – 1$. Which means that $2^{17} – 1$ is prime.

Best Answer

To the best of my knowledge, the best known test to determine whether a Mersenne number is prime is the Lucas-Lehmer test. If you already know that $p$ is an odd prime (it doesn't work for $M_2 = 3$), let

$U_0 = 4$, and $U_{n+1} \equiv U_n^2 - 2 \pmod {M_p}$.

Then $M_p$ is prime if and only if $U_{p-2} \equiv 0 \pmod {M_p}$.

Taking the modulus at each step, to check the primality of $M_p$, only $2\cdot p$-bit numbers are necessary, thus the proof (or disproof) is computationally feasible even for larger $p$.

The mathematics behind that are more involved than I am ready to explain here.

Regarding the edit - I presume the most important thing is the line with the "why?".

For the assumed prime $p$ dividing $M_{17}$, let $k$ be the order of 2 in $\mathbb{Z}_p^\ast$ (the group of units [non-zero elements] of $\mathbb{Z}_p$).

Then $p \mid 2^n - 1 \iff 2^n \equiv 1 \pmod p \iff k \mid n$. The last can be seen by writing $n = q\cdot k + r\quad, 0 \leqslant r < k$.

So by assumption $k \mid 17$, and by Fermat's theorem, $k \mid (p-1)$. Hence $k \mid (17, p-1)$.

Because $p$ is divisor of $2^{17}−1$ it means it's smaller or equal to $\sqrt{2^{17}−1}$

That's not quite correct as stated, but assuming $M_{17}$ composite, and $p$ its smallest prime divisor, the conclusion $p \leqslant \sqrt{2^{17}-1}$ holds. (Since $M_p \equiv 3 \pmod 4$, we can replace the $\leqslant$ with a $<$.)

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