[Math] How to check if a symmetric $4\times4$ matrix is positive semidefinite

linear algebramatricespositive-semidefinitesymmetric matrices

  1. How does one check whether symmetric $4\times4$ matrix is positive semidefinite?

  2. What if this matrix has also rank deficiency: is it rank $3$?

Best Answer

Another method is to check there are no negative pivots in row reduction (after taking into account the possibility of 0's on the diagonal). The procedure can be written recursively as follows:

1) If $A$ is $1 \times 1$, then it is positive semidefinite iff $A_{11} \ge 0$.


2) If $A_{11} < 0$, then $A$ is not positive semidefinite.

3) If $A_{11} = 0$, then $A$ is positive semidefinite iff the first row of $A$ is all 0 and the submatrix obtained by deleting the first row and column is positive semidefinite.

4) If $A_{11} > 0$, for each $j > 1$ subtract $A_{j1}/A_{11}$ times row 1 from row $j$, and then delete the first row and column. Then $A$ is positive semidefinite iff the resulting matrix is positive semidefinite.