Analytic Geometry – How to Check if a Point is Inside a Rectangle

analytic geometrycomputational geometry

There is a point $(x,y)$, and a rectangle $a(x_1,y_1),b(x_2,y_2),c(x_3,y_3),d(x_4,y_4)$, how can one check if the point inside the rectangle?

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Best Answer

$M$ of coordinates $(x,y)$ is inside the rectangle iff

$$(0<\textbf{AM}\cdot \textbf{AB}<\textbf{AB}\cdot \textbf{AB}) \land (0<\textbf{AM}\cdot \textbf{AD}<\textbf{AD}\cdot \textbf{AD})$$ (scalar product of vectors)

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