[Math] how to change polar coordinate into cartesian coordinate using transformation matrix

coordinate systems

I would like to change $(3,4,12)$ in $xyz$ coordinate to spherical coordinate using the following relation
enter image description here
It is from the this link. I do not understand the significance of this matrix (if not for coordinate transformation) or how it is derived. Also please check my previous question building transformation matrix from spherical to cartesian coordinate system. Please I need your insight on building my concept.

Thank you.
I understand that $ \left [ A_x \sin \theta\cos \phi \hspace{5 mm} A_y \sin \theta\sin\phi \hspace{5 mm} A_z\cos\theta\right ]$ gives $A_r$ but how is other coordinates $ (A_\theta, A_\phi)$ equal to their respective respective rows from Matrix multiplication?

Best Answer

The transformation from Cartesian to polar coordinates is not a linear function, so it cannot be achieved by means of a matrix multiplication.

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