[Math] How to calculate this determinant of matrix raised to high power

linear algebra

I'm trying to get ready to my exam from linear algebra by doing some random tasks and with this one i'm pretty stuck.

$$A = \begin{pmatrix} 8-5i & -6 \\ 4-5i & -3+5i \end{pmatrix}$$
Given this matrix $A$ i have to calculate determinant of $A^{-2013}$. I tried to do this by using eigenvalues. And i know this matrix has inversion ( since $det(A) \neq 0 $ ), so it's true that $det (A^{-2013}) = det (A^{2013})^{-1}$. What more i got is that eigenvalues are $\lambda_1 = 5-5i$ and $\lambda_2 = 5i$. With that, we can use similarity matrix B that
$$B= \begin {pmatrix} 5-5i & 0 \\ 0 & 5i \end{pmatrix} $$ and $$A = P^{-1}\times B \times P$$ so we have to find $A \times C = B$ And this is the part i'm stuck with…
I have no idea how to do it nicely, because by staight matrix multiplication i end up with 4 complicated equations. From that i think it's okay to do $ ( P^{-1} \times B \times P ) ^{2013} = (P^{-1} \times B \times P \times P^{-1} \times B \dots ) = P^{-1} \times B^{2013} \times P $, so the final answer will be $det(P^{-1} \times B^{2013} \times P)^{-1}$, since $B$ is diagonal matrix, raising it to 2013th power will be easy. So, please help me figuring out this hard part, i don't want to make it overcomplicated 🙂 Thanks in advance!!!

Best Answer

This is much simpler, $\det(A^n)=\det(A)^n$. And consider also that $(1-i)^2=-2i$.

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