[Math] How to calculate the volume and surface area of a sphere cap which has been cut by a plane parallel to its axis


Suppose I have a spherical cap, defined by known angle $\alpha$ and radius $R$, as shown in the left hand portion of the attached figure. Here is an image:

enter image description here

I am working on a project where the sphere cap is cut into two parts, by a plane parallel to the axis of symmetry of the sphere cap, at a distance $d$ from the axis – see right hand portion of the above figure.

If I then remove the region which is shaded the lighter colour blue (the $x>d$ region), how can I calculate the volume of the remaining darker blue region? Likewise, how about the surface area of the curved portion of the remaining region?

Many thanks in advance

(Image source: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalCap.html)

Best Answer

As you suggested in your comment, the volume can be calculated as follows: $$V=\int_{-a}^{d}A(x)\,dx=\frac{1}{2}\int_{-a}^{d}r(x)^2(\theta(x)-\sin\theta(x))\,dx, $$ where $r(x)$ is the radius of the intersection of the sphere with the plane with the given $x$-coordinate, and $\theta(x)$ is the angle corresponding to the cross-sectional circular segment. You can find out $r(x)$ from the equation $$r(x)^2=y^2+z^2, $$ where $x,y,z$ satisfy the equation of the sphere. Once you know $r(x)$, you can use a formula from the MathWorld page to calculate $\theta(x)$. I am deliberately giving you just hints for now, as you will remember the answer better if you work for it, but I intend to turn this into a full answer later. Good luck!

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