Polynomials – How to Calculate the Sum of Coefficients in a Polynomial with Known Integer Roots


I have this problem:
given $N$, $1 \leq N\leq 100$ integers which are roots from a polynomial, calculate the sum of coefficients from that polynomial

for example: given $3$ integers $2$, $2$ and $3$, I can calculate the polynomial $$x^3 – 7x^2 +16x -12,$$ so the sum of coefficients is $-2$

but if I have $100$ integers, I think calculating the polynomial will be enormous, so is there some way to find this sum of coefficients?

Best Answer

The sum of the coefficients is just the value of the polynomial in $1$, hence if the polynomial is monic with roots in $n_1,\ldots,n_k$, then $$p(1) = (1-n_1)\cdot\ldots\cdot(1-n_k).$$

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