[Math] How to calculate the number of permutations and combinations if k is equal to n


Say the question is

How many unique ways are there to arrange the letters in the word FANCY?

The formula I use for permutations is n! / (n - k)!

Combinations formula I use is n! / ( k! * (n - k)! )

In this case, I would be dividing by zero in both cases. What universal formula can I use for situations where k might be equal to or larger than n?

Thank you

Best Answer

By definition, $0!=1$. There are a number of different justifications for this. One of them is that this choice makes the formulas you quote give the right answer. One can also argue that there really is exactly one way to choose $0$ objects from $n$: just say no in turn to each of them.

When $k$ and $n$ are non-negative integers, and $k\gt n$, we have two choices for $\binom{n}{k}$. We could say it is undefined. But it is more convenient to adopt the convention that in that situation, $\binom{n}{k}=0$. Again one could give an informal justification, there are $0$ ways to choose $5$ people from $3$. But the real reason for the convention is that it makes some formulas less messy.