[Math] How to calculate the number of combinations where a specified number of elements are not repeated


My maths is very rusty. I am looking to calculate how many unique combinations I can draw from a given set of names.

I understand the formula $\frac{n!}{(n-r)!(r)!}$ will give me the number of unique combinations of $r$ elements from the set with $n$ elements, where all combinations will contain at least $1$ different element.

What if I wanted to specify the minimum number of elements that had to be different?

For example, the number of combinations of $6$ names I could draw from $36$ names = $\frac{36!}{30!\,6!}=1,947,792$

Every combination would have at least 1 name different to every other combination. How do I work out the number of combinations if I wanted at least 2 or 3 names in every combination to be different.

Names in the set are unique and can't be repeated.

Thank you.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, the maximum number of combinations under such a restriction is not known in any closed-form manner. The topic of constructing combinations like this is the topic of Block Design. There is a theoretical maximum, but there's no guarantee that the maximum can be achieved for any particular number of chosen elements or number of elements available.

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