[Math] How to calculate the new x y coordinate for a rectangle when centering it within a rectangle

geometrylinear algebra

I need to center a rectangle inside another rectangle. I know the width and height of the parent rectangle, and I know the width and height of the child rectangle that needs to be centered. I need to find the x and y coordinate for the top left corner of the rectangle in the centered position. I don't know the current position of the child recatangle, I just need know the x y coordinate so I can place it in the center.

Please see the image below for further details.

What would be the correct formula to do this?


Best Answer

If the big rectangle is $a \times b$ (in your diagram $a=26, b=305$), and the smaller rectangle is $c \times d$ (here $(c,d)=(18,68)$), then your $x,y$ satisfy $2x+c=a,2y+d=b$ so that $(x,y)=((a-c)/2,(b-d)/2).$

A check: $(x,y)=(4,118.5)$ so the check would be $4+18+4=26$ and $118.5+68+118.5=305.$

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