[Math] How to calculate the enclosed area between the curve $y=\ln{x}$ and the ‘x’ axis between $x = 1$ and $x = 2$


Any assistance on calculating: the enclosed area $(A)$ between the curve $y=ln(x)$ and the $x-axis$ between $x = 1$ and $x = 2$ then to draw the graph of the function?

I know the equation will be something along the lines of:

$$A = \int_1^2{|ln(x)-0|} = \int_1^2{ln(x)}$$


$$\large\int{ln(x)} = xln(x)-x+C$$

$$\large A = (xln(x)-x)|_1^2 = 2(ln(2))-2-[1(ln(1))-1] = ?$$

But somehow my calculations seem incorrect and I am not sure how to proceed into graphing the function.

Best Answer

You went wrong when you changed base

$$\int_1^2ln(x)dx=\int_1^21\cdot ln(x)dx$$ Integration by parts leads you to

$$x\cdot ln(x)-\int x\cdot \frac{1}{x}dx$$ $$x\cdot ln(x)-x$$

plug in the x values to get an answer of 0.386


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