Calculus – How to Calculate Sum of (-1)^n/n H_n^2?


I need to calculate the sum $\displaystyle S=\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{(-1)^n}n H_n^2$,
where $\displaystyle H_n=\sum\limits_{m=1}^n\frac1m$.

Using a CAS I found that $S=\lim\limits_{k\to\infty}s_k$ where $s_k$ satisfies the recurrence relation
& s_{1}=-1,\hspace{5mm} s_{2}=\frac18,\hspace{5mm} s_{3}=-\frac{215}{216},\hspace{5mm} s_{4}=\frac{155}{1728},\hspace{5mm} \text{for all} \quad k>4, \\ s_{k} &=\frac1{k^3(2k-3)}\left(\left(-4k^4+18k^3-25k^2+12k-2\right)s_{k-1}+\left(12k^3-39k^2+38k-10\right)s_{k-2} \right.\\
& \hspace{5mm} \left. +\left(4k^4-18k^3+25k^2-10k\right)s_{k-3}\\+\left(2k^4-15k^3+39k^2-40k+12\right)s_{k-4}\right),
but it could not express $S$ or $s_k$ in a closed form.

Can you suggest any ideas how to calculate $S$?

Best Answer

Write down the function $$ g(z) = \sum_{n\geq1} \frac{z^n}{n}H_n^2, $$ so that $S=g(-1)$ and $g$ can be reduced to $$ zg'(z) = \sum_{n\geq1} z^n H_n^2 = h(z). $$

Now, using $H_n = H_{n-1} + \frac1n$ ($n\geq2$), we can get a closed form for $h(z)$: $$h(z) = z + \sum_{n\geq2}\frac{z^n}{n^2} + \sum_{n\geq 2}z^n H_{n-1}^2 + \sum_{n\geq 2} 2\frac{z^n}{n}H_{n-1}. $$ Now, the first and third sums Mathematica can evaluate itself in closed form (the third one evaluates to the function $p(z)$ below, the first one is $\text{Li}_2(z)-z$), and the middle sum is $z h(z)$.

Substituting this into the expression for $g(z)$, we get $$g(z) = \int \frac{\text{Li}_2(z) + p(z)}{z(1-z)}\,dz, $$ $$p(z) = -\frac{\pi^2}{3} + 2\log^2(1-z)-2\log(1-z)\log(z)+2\text{Li}_2((1-z)^{-1}) - 2\text{Li}_2(z). $$ Mathematica can also evaluate this integral, giving (up to a constant of integration) \begin{align} g(z) &= \frac{1}{3} \left(-2 \log(1-z^3+3 \log(1-z)^2 \log(-z)+\log(-1+z)^2 (\log(-1+z)+3 \log(-z) \right. \\ & \hspace{5mm} \left. -3 \log(z))+\pi ^2 (\log(-z)-2 \log(z))+\log(1-z) \left(\pi^2 - 3 \log(-1+z)^2 \right. \right.\\ & \hspace{5mm} \left.\left. +6 (\log(-1+z)-\log(-z)) \log(z)\right)-6 (\log(-1+z)-\log(z)) \left(\text{Li}_{2}\left(\frac{1}{1-z}\right)-\text{Li}_{2}(z)\right) \right.\\ & \hspace{10mm} \left. -3 \log(1-z) \text{Li}_{2}(z)+3 \text{Li}_{3}(z)\right). \end{align} The constant of integration is fixed by requiring $g(0)=0$.

Some care needs to be taken, because the function is multi-valued, when evaluating $g(-1)$. The answer is $$ \frac{1}{12}(\pi^2\log2-4(\log 2)^3-9\zeta(3)). $$