[Math] How to Calculate Pitch Diameter, Angle and distance between two Spheres!


I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the Angle [A], Pitch Diameter[P], and Circumferential Clearance depending on how many spheres are in the complement and inner diameter[S] and outer diameter[B]. According to the following diagram.

Geometry Diagram

Best Answer

Let $n$ be the number of bearings (circles). Then, $$A = \frac{360°}{n}$$
Pitch radius is inner radius plus radial clearance plus bearing radius. Using diameters, we need to count the clearance twice: $$P = S + 2 D + N$$ On the other hand, outer radius is pitch radius plus bearing radius. With diameters, that means $$B = P + N = S + 2 D + 2 N$$ If we know inner and outer diameter, as well as bearing diameter, then we can solve the radial clearance $D$ from above; it is $$D = \frac{B - S}{2} - N$$
Circumferential clearance $C$ is a bit tricky, because you have marked it along the dotted circle. If you calculate it that way, you get an overestimate -- as in, you cannot fit a piece of that thickness between the bearings. Consult this diagram instead: Bearing diagram Here, $r = N/2$ and $R = P/2 = (S+N)/2 + D$. The diagram forms two equal right triangles on top of each other, mirrored vertically, so $$\sin\frac{A}{2} = \frac{r + C/2}{R}$$ Solving for $C$, and substituting the original variables, we get $$C = \left(S + N + 2 D\right)\sin\left(\frac{A}{2}\right) - N = \left(S + N + 2 D\right)\sin\left(\frac{180°}{n}\right) - N$$