[Math] How to calculate percentage of rating


I've average rating which is calculated by Mean formula. Now I want to calculate its percentage. I've following details:

  1. The calculated average rating ((sum(rating)/totalGivenRatings))
  2. The total number of given ratings (totalGivenRatings)

e.g. I've average 2.23 and total number of given ratings are 3

Please help me, I'm newbie in maths.

Edit 1

I've tried following:


but is it fine?

Best Answer

Once you have an average rating, one way that makes sense is to show the percentage of the way up the range. You would calculate that by (average rating-minimum rating)/(max rating - min rating). If the average is $2.23$ on a scale of $1$ to $5$, it would be $\frac {2.23-1}{5-1}=0.3075=30.75\%$. Many people would just do average rating/max rating, but in our example that would give $20\%$ to a $1$ rating, the worst possible. If you look at your calculation this will happen.

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