How to Calculate Decimal Places Before Repeating Digits in a Fraction


If you have a fraction such as $$\frac{7}{26}=0.269230\overline{769230}$$ where there are a number of digits prior to the repeating section, how can you tell how many digits there will be given just the fraction?

I believe I could run through the standard long division algorithm until I come across the same remainder for the second time and then use the location of the first instance of this remainder to calculate the number of digits before the repeating section, but this feels very cumbersome.

After lots of reading online, I came across what looks like a formula for it from Wolfram MathWorld:

When a rational number $\frac{m}{n}$ with $(m,n)=1$ is expanded, the period begins after ${s}$ terms and has length ${t}$, where ${s}$ and ${t}$ are the smallest numbers satisfying $10^s\equiv10^{s+t}\pmod{n}$.

I know how to calculate the length of the period of a fraction, and so in the case of my original fraction we have $10^s\equiv10^{s+6}\pmod{26}$, but I don't know how to solve for ${s}$ in this equation!

So there are really two questions here – the one in the title, and a sneaky one about how to take logs in a modulo arithmetic equation.

Best Answer

Rewrite the fraction as $$\frac{m}{n}=\frac{p}{10^sq}$$ where $p,q$ are coprime and $q$ is not divisible by $2$ or $5$ while $p$ is not divisible by $10$. Computing $s$ (the pre-period) is easy; it is the larger of the number of times $2$ divides $n$ and the number of times $5$ divides $n$. Then we want the smallest $t$ such that $10^t\equiv 1\;(\bmod\;q)$. By Fermat's little theorem, we have $10^{\varphi(q)}\equiv 1\;(\bmod\;q)$, thus $\;t|\varphi(q)$ so it suffices to check the divisors of $\varphi(q)$.