[Math] How to calculate an overall 5 star rating based on other weighted 5 star ratings


I have these 3 ratings. I want to combine them to produce an overall rating out of 5. The overall rating can be a float, so no rounding is necessary, but it cannot be negative. I'm just not sure how to do it.

Technical Rating from 1 to 5, weighting 2:1 (i.e A rating of 5 equals 10)

Production Rating from 1 to 5, weighting 1:1

Content Rating from 1 to 5, weighting 3:1

Any hints or advice would be awesome, thanks.

Best Answer

You could try something like $$\frac{2TR + PR + 3CR}{6}.$$

Try it with various examples including

  • $(5,5,5)$ to give a result of $5$,
  • $(1,1,1)$ to give a result of $1$,
  • $(4,1,1)$ to give a result of $2$,
  • $(1,4,1)$ to give a result of $1.5$,
  • $(1,1,4)$ to give a result of $2.5$,

to see the effect.