[Math] How to approach solving problems like these using rules of inference

discrete mathematicslogic

So using rules of inference can you show that the premises:

$$\neg p\vee q\rightarrow r,\;s\rightarrow\neg q,\;p\rightarrow t,\;\neg t,\;\neg p\wedge r\rightarrow s$$

lead to the conclusion $\neg q$?

How would one approach trying to solve a problem like this? Mainly how do you know which premise to start with and the combinations to use to get to the conclusion? Or is it just one of those things that require time and practice to get the hang of.

Best Answer

There are only so many rules you can apply at a time. Without anything clever (like using cases), the only rule of inference you can apply immediately is modus tollens $p\to t, \neg t$. This gives you $\neg p$, and now you can apply it to the first implication to get $r$. Now you have $\neg p$ and $r$, so using the last implication you get $s$. Now using $s$ and the second implication, you get $\neg q$.