Numerical Methods – How to Accurately Calculate the Error Function $\operatorname{erf}(x)$

algorithmsnumerical methodsspecial functionsstatistics

I am looking for an accurate algorithm to calculate the error function

$$\operatorname{erf}(x)=\frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}}\int_0^x e^{-t^2}\ dt$$

I have tried using the following formula,

math97 second question example

(Handbook of Mathematical Functions, formula 7.1.26), but the results are not accurate enough for the application.

Best Answer

I am assuming that you need the error function only for real values. For complex arguments there are other approaches, more complicated than what I will be suggesting.

If you're going the Taylor series route, the best series to use is formula 7.1.6 in Abramowitz and Stegun. It is not as prone to subtractive cancellation as the series derived from integrating the power series for $\exp(-x^2)$. This is good only for "small" arguments. For large arguments, you can use either the asymptotic series or the continued fraction representations.

Otherwise, may I direct you to these papers by S. Winitzki that give nice approximations to the error function.

(added on 5/4/2011)

I wrote about the computation of the (complementary) error function (couched in different notation) in this answer to a CV question.