Calculus – How Can a Function with a Hole Equal a Function with No Hole?


I've done some research, and I'm hoping someone can check me. My question was this:

Assume I have the function $f(x) = \frac{(x-3)(x+2)}{(x-3)}$, so it has removable discontinuity at $x = 3$. We remove that discontinuity with algebra: $f(x) = \frac{(x-3)(x+2)}{(x-3)} = (x+2)$. BUT, the graph of the first function has a hole at $x = 3$, and the graph of the second function is continuous everywhere. How can they be "equal" if one has a hole and the other does not?

I think that this is the answer:

Because the original function is undefined at the point $x = 3$, we have to restrict the domain to $\mathbb{R} \setminus 3$. And when we manipulate that function with algebra, the final result, $f(x) = (x + 2)$ is still using this restricted domain. So even though the function $f(x) = (x+2)$ would not have a hole if the domain were all of $\mathbb{R}$, we are sort of "imposing" a hole at $x = 3$ by continuing to throw that point out of the domain.

And then just to close the loop: Removing the removable discontinuity is useful because it allows us to "pretend" that we're working with a function that is everywhere continuous, which helps us easily find the limit. But the reality is that the function $f(x) = (x +2)$ is actually NOT continuous everywhere when we restrict the domain by throwing out the point 3. Or am I now taking things too far?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: For anyone coming across this in the future, in addition to the excellent answers below, I also found this other question about the continuity of functions with removable discontinuities helpful.

Best Answer

Two functions are typically defined to be equal if and only if they...

  • Share the same domain
  • Share the same codomain
  • Take on the same values for each input.

Thus, functions $f,g : S \to T$ for sets $S,T$ have $f=g$ if and only if $f(x) = g(x)$ for all $x$ in $S$.

For functions with holes, we typically restrict the domain by ensuring the values where the function is not defined at not included. For example, in the functions you have, you have

$$f(x) = \frac{(x-3)(x+2)}{(x-3)} \;\;\;\;\; g(x) = x+2$$

Are these equal? Yes, and no.

A function must be defined at all values of the domain. Thus, we can say $3$ is not in the domain of $f$ for sure. But we never specified otherwise the domains and codomains of these functions! Typically, unless stated otherwise, we often assume their domain to be $\Bbb R$ or $\Bbb C$, minus whatever points are causing problems - and of course, in such cases, $f \neq g$ since $f(3)$ is not defined, and thus $f$ normally has domain $\Bbb R \setminus \{3\}$ and $g$ generally has domain $\Bbb R$.

But that restriction is not necessary. For example, we could define the functions to be $f,g : \Bbb R \setminus \Bbb Q \to \Bbb R$. Notice that the domain of both functions are now all real numbers except rational numbers, i.e. the irrational numbers. This means $3$ is not in the domain of either function - and since that's the only "trouble spot," and the codomains are equal, and the values are equal at each point in the domain, $f=g$ here.

Or even more simply: we could have $\Bbb R \setminus \{3\}$ be the domain of $f$ and $g$ and again have equality! The key point in all this is that, just because $f$ or $g$ do attain defined values for certain inputs, doesn't mean they have to be in the domain.

In short, whether $f=g$ depends on your definitions of each. Under typical assumptions, $f \neq g$ in this case, but if we deviate from those assumptions even a little we don't necessarily have inequality.