[Math] How many ways can we get 2 a’s and 2 b’s from aabb


We have the following group: $aabb$

It is commutative, so abab is the same as aabb.

I have figured out this is a combinatorics question. Because abab is the same as aabb. I was how to solve these problems with the blank slot method, i.e. _ _ _ _.

If I do this manually, it's clear to me the answer is 6,


Which is the same as $$\binom{4}{2}$$

But I don't really understand why this is true? How is this supposed to be done without brute forcing the question?

Best Answer

You have four slots. Choose two of them to be a, and the other two will be forced to be b. There are $\binom 4 2$ ways to choose two slots from four, giving the answer.