[Math] How many ways can the men not sit together and the women not sit together

combinatoricsnumber theory

5 men and 5 women are to be seated in a row of 10 seats. How many ways can the men not sit together and the women not sit together?

Best Answer

If you want to find the number of ways to arrange men and women so that we have no men or women sitting consecutively we get

$$2\cdot5!\cdot5!$$ Since There $5!$ ways to arrange the males skipping a seat in between and $5!$ ways to arrange the females in the remaining $5$ spots. Then there are $2$ ways to start the row, either male or female.

Also if you're trying to find the number of ways to only group men together and women together (MMMMMWWWWW and WWWWWMMMMM) the number is the same, $2\cdot5!\cdot5!$