[Math] How many ways are there of sending 9 different books in 5 parcels with 4 of them having room for 2 books and 1 of them having room for 1 book


Initially thought that it would be
but I soon realised that it was restricting its order and thus creating additional combinations. I’ve been trying it for an hour now but I still can’t seem to come up with an intuition behind this. ANY help would be greatly appreciated . Also I am sorry for not using the symbols properly. I’m new to maths stackexchange and I’m still struggling with mathjax. I’ll soon update the answer with apropriate symbols

EDIT: I realised I made a mistake in the answer. Here is the updated version
$$9 \cdot 7 \cdot 5 \cdot 3 = 945$$

Best Answer

Hint. The answer can be written as $$9\cdot \frac{\binom{8}{2}\binom{6}{2}\binom{4}{2}\binom{2}{2}}{4!}\quad \mbox{or}\quad \frac{\binom{9}{2}\binom{7}{2}\binom{5}{2}\binom{3}{2}}{4!}\cdot 1.$$ Can you picture what is happening?

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