[Math] How many unique arrangements of the word REVERSE are there with the V and S separated


Calculating the number of unique arrangements of the word REVERSE, taking into account the repeated Es and Rs, is straightforward:


I am not sure, however, to calculate the restriction when the letters are separated.

One source suggests that we arrange the 5 remaining letters. This creates $6$ spaces into which the remaining V and S can be permuted into:


Is this logic correct?

Best Answer

You can easily solve this backwards.

1) As you calculated there are $420$ ways to arrange those seven letters

2) Calculate how many arrangements there are if $V$ and $S$ is together. Now you have 6 letters (let's take $VS$ or $SV$ as one letter). You get $$\frac{6!}{2!\cdot3!}=60$$ different arrangements, and letters $V$ and $S$ can be arranged in $2$ different ways ($VS$ or $SV$). So there are $60\cdot2=120$ arrangements where $V$ is together with $S$.

3) Subtract this number from all the arrangements and you get the answer: $420-120=300$

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