Probability – How Many Tries to Get at Least k Successes?


The probability $P'$ of getting at least $k$ successes in $n$ independent tries, given probability of a single success $s$, equals one minus the summed probabilities of getting only $0$ to $k-1$ successes:

$P'(k, n, s) = 1 – \sum\limits_{i=0}^{k-1} P(i, n, s)$

where the probability $P$ of getting exactly $k$ successes is:

$P(k, n, s) = \,_nC_k \cdot s^k \cdot (1 – s)^{n – k}$

Now suppose I want to know how many tries I need to achieve a given probability $P'$. How do I solve for $n$?

This question is a lot like the question here:

On the Total Number of Tries Required to have $n$ Successes

But in that question each trial is not independent, since it's about selecting stones from a bag without replacement. In my question, each trial is independent.

Best Answer

There is no exact closed form solution. If $k$ is moderately large, the normal approximation to the binomial will give you an approximate answer, and you can then do a numerical search around there for the exact answer. For the normal approximation we want $$\Phi\left(\frac{k-ns}{\sqrt{ns(1-s)}}\right) \geq .9,$$ where $\Phi$ is the normal cdf. You can take the inverse cdf, simplify this to a quadratic in $\sqrt n$, and find a value for $n$. Since this is not exact, you can then check other nearby values of $n$ to find the exact solution.

Here's an R function that solves it for you using this approach, though not particularly efficiently:

binomial.size <- function(k,s,p) {
  # Find the smallest sample size n such that a binomial(n,s) has 
  # probability at least p of having k sucesses.

  # our first approximation comes from solving the quadratic:
  n <- ceiling(((-qnorm(p)+sqrt(qnorm(p)^2+4*k/(1-s)))/(2*sqrt(s/(1-s))))^2)

  while(pbinom(k-1,n,s,lower.tail=FALSE)<p) { # our n might be too small...
    n <- n+1

  while(pbinom(k-1,n-1,s,lower.tail=FALSE)>p) { # or too large...
    n <- n-1


## 37
## 0.54
## 0.48--too small!